Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Framed Something kinda big.

Framing and framing and framing

makes you fell your about to jump

I think the second website was better because it has more examples. alot of his pictures to me tell a little story. Even when its a two dimension it has depth to it. You can also add context to a photo. ANd thats why I like the second one better.
The first website i looked up had one example. He used an arch to capture a ship in the bay. It was a good photo. He had a good idea. He should of got closer.

Friday, November 15, 2013

You need to learn what your doing.Your picture need to tell some kind of story. Learn how your camera works. If you really love to take pictures learn your craft. You should have a good background. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I think it is easier to draw the lines in my head when the photo is black and white.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Thursday, November 7, 2013

I commented on Alyssa's and Carla's rule of thirds post.

Rule of Thirds Project

5 good examples

the person painting is along one line and the girl facing the camera
her eyes are near one line

the lines on the top and bottom  go along with the lines of the rule of thirds

the top of the jungle gym is along one line of the rule of thirds grid

even though this one is blurry, the kids heads are along the top line and
the legs of the jungle gym are along the two side lines and it draws your
eyes to the kids

the intersection of the top right lines is right between the cat's eyes
it draws attention to his face

5 bad examples

The lines of the structure go against the lines of the rule of thirds

The cat's face is too centered

The cat's head and front legs are too far up in the frame and should
have been at an intersection

The lines of the poles and the granite are at an odd angle and do not move
naturally along a line of the rule of thirds

his face is too centered. It would have looked better if his body
was along one line and not in the middle.

My little brother doing the best
Halloween carnival game ever.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

1. The Rule of Thirds is when you divide your picture up into nine boxes. Most digital cameras have a setting for this in case you can't imagine it.

2. Its purpose is to balance the shot and draw your attention to a certain focus point.

3. You try to imagine the lines and intersections of the lines and put the focus of your picture on the lines or intersections.

4. This helps you take a picture that people can view more naturally.

5. After acquiring this skill of using the Rule of Thirds, you can break the rule to make more interesting shots.
halloween the only time to nerd up!!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Halloween a license to be some one your not!!
Mrs. Wheeler, I reposted the memorial pictures. I hope this is what you wanted. I also posted on Bria's, Carla's, Emily's, and Monica's photos.
I chose this picture because you can see the flags reflected on the granite next to the names.

The flag's outline can be seen behind the word "Freedom"

I like the way you can see the Eagle coming out over the edge.
I know this one isn't names, but I liked it. 
Names of several community members' family.

I tried to get the flags into this shot.

I like the way the sky reflects on this one. I think it looks pretty.

I was trying to get the flags reflection and I like the angle.

A family's private memorial.